Monday, July 17, 2006

Waiting on DNA authorization and planning a visit?

Well, no news on whether attorney in Guatemala has received authorization to have the DNA tests performed. This authorization is given through the US Embassy. They review the initial file to make sure everything is in order and then give the authorization for the DNA test. I have heard that there are long lines at the Embassy to receive this authorization so I hope my lawyer is an early riser.

Received word today from my Social Worker that my Power of Attorney has been certified by Secretary of State of Missouri and has been sent to the Guatemalan consulate. After it it authenticated by the Consulate it is sent to the lawyer in Guatemala so that he can proceed with the case through the Family Court and PGN (procurderia general nacional).

After talking to my Social Worker (SW) last week she said that I live in one of the counties in Missouri that requires readoption in Missouri Court after my baby comes home if I have not been down to Guatemala to visit her prior to the adoption being final. With that said, she said it would be less exensive for me to go down for a visit trip prior to finalization than to pay lawyer fees for the readoption after coming home. So, I may take a trip during Thanksgiving to go visit little Evelyn (aka Evvy, Evvie, Evie, Evita). We will see how things play out. Social worker said having her home by Christmas would be very optimistic but I am still holding out hope for that to happen. There is just no way to predict. I saw someone post on a forum that had completed the whole process in about 3 months so I know it can happen.

I did go ahead and make hotel reservations tonight since the hotels will probably be full around Thanksgiving (they were already showing sold out on Travelocity but I went directly to the hotel's website and was able to reserve a room).

My friend Peggy will probably go with me on the visit trip and then Mom & Dad (if he still wants to) will go with me for the final pickup trip. Of course this is all still up in the air until everything gets finalized and we see where everyone is living and if they can get away. Mom & Dad finish up there mission in January and will be moving back to Texas so we will just have to see how the timing works out.

Well, not much else new happening. I am working on a care package to send down when the director of our agency goes down in the next few weeks. I got ambitious and decided to make a little lightweight quilt (just simple pinwheels inspired by my niece Abby's first quilt) out of some fabric that I have had for years. I have it all cut out and many of the squares partially sewed. I also want to make something for the foster mother who is caring for her. Maybe I will make a pillow or wallhanging with a picture of Evelyn on it.

Hopefully will have more news coming soon.