Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

What a dream come true. Mother's Day used to be a pretty depressing day for me thinking that I had always wanted to be a mother but probably never would be.

This year my sweet angel gave me two (well really more) wonderful mother's day presents. First, she slept all night and second she took a 2 hour afternoon nap which meant that I got about 1 1/2 hour afternoon nap. HEAVEN!

I never could have imagined the joy that a daughter could bring into my life. It is all about the simple things. She is sitting on the floor being super vocal (mamamamamama and other sweet sounds). I am watching Pride & Prejudice and she will stop and watch it at some points so I know we are true soul mates. She really likes Mr Darcy :)

I had a totally wonderful weekend. Yesterday afternoon my brother Allan and his wife and two girls (the two boys were home working) drove up from Austin to visit. It was a terribly long drive and they weren't here even 24 hours but it was a wonderful visit and so glad that they were willing to sacrifice to come meet Evelyn. She was a perfect angel and very smiley and giggly and I mention again, slept all night! We went out with our mutual friends Lee and Michelle last night and just had a nice time visiting and eating good food and listening to good music. Evvy LOVES music. I knew this but when the guy was singing (and we weren't even in the main room where he was at) she would move her body and clap and just get so excited. Makes me wonder if she was a Party Girl in Guatemala :) She just really enjoys being out around people doing things.

Evvy is cutting her two top teeth. One has cut through and the other is really close.
Evvy wants to type: f/...
?',mhnmk nj hj vbnm,k

OK. baby wants mommy to come play. I will post pictures later.
