Friday, July 11, 2008

Stroller Dancing!

Last night we had a really fun night with our friends. Our city is having Thursday night music and movies on our town square. The local movie theater has an outside "screen" painted on the side of the building. From 6-8 we listened to some great music (50's type music--Elvis, Stray Cats, etc). W ate our picnic (Subway sandwich) while we jammed to the tunes. Then the kids all played in the dirt for a while before the movie started. The movie was Shrek 3 which I hadn't seen. It was Evvy's first non-DVD movie on the big screen. She loved it and stayed awake the whole time. We didn't get home until almost 11pm. My sweet girl sang herself to sleep on the way home (less than 10 minutes) singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star along with our CD. She was doing the hand motions and everything and then all of a sudden she stopped as her eyes closed with her hands still in the air. Very cute.

Here is a video of my crazy stroller dancer. She LOVES music. A policeman on a bike came up to us after the music and before the movie and said, "who's little girl is that?" I thought, uh oh what is wrong, does he think she is kidnapped or something or that she wasn't being properly supervised (I did let her play in the dirt behind us with her friends). I said, "she's mine." He said, "well she is just the cutest and has the greatest dance moves." He said his little girl that is 2 also so I think he was just comparing their stages because he said that she loves to dance too.

We will probably go to the music again next week but not stay for the movie because it is Princess Bride and probably not as interesting for my 2 year old sweetie.



lovingourtwoguys said...

I am about to fall over with all of these blog updates!!

Evvy is rocking out! How adorable is she?

We will have to get her and Luke dancing together - he loves to cut a rug himself.

Sooooo sweet!

P.S. Keep me posted on the movies they show - we would love to join.