Tuesday, February 13, 2007

OUT of PGN!!!!!

I got the call from my social worker today after lunch that we are finally one step closer to bringing baby Evvy home. We have been released from PGN which is the final Guatemalan court. We did not receive any "Kick Outs" which occur when the reviewers don't like some piece of paperwork in your dossier/case file. They are very picky and have kicked people out for as little as a missing accent mark.

When my social worker told me the news (in her very calm, emotionless voice) my eyes just filled with tears (as they have many times since then). A sense of relief flowed through my soul. This has been an agonizing process. I know that the wait will be so worth it to have my daughter home with me forever. I just pray that I can be worthy to be her mother every day for the rest of our lives together.

I also received an email from J today who tells me that Evvy is 18# and is cutting her first tooth. She will stand if they make her but she doesn't like it. They put her in a walker but she doesn't like it very much. She doesn't like sweet foods (fruits) but likes most other foods. They took some very cute pictures of her with some crates of baby chicks. Very sweet! I will attach them at the end of this post.

So what is next? They tell me to expect to travel to bring her home in 3-6 weeks. The lawyer has to get her birth certificate reissued with her new last name. Then they have to get her passport issued. Then all of the Guatemalan court documents have to be translated into English so that they can be sumbitted to the US Embassy. The US Embassy then reviews everything and issue what is referred to as the "pink slip" which is a pink piece of paper that has your Embassy appointment listed on it. Usually from the time the pink slip is issued until the appointment is about one week. Once the pink slip is issued, I will book airline tickets for me, mom (abuela) and dad (abuelo). We will then fly down to pick up our beautiful little girl and bring her home forever!!

My mind is flooded with thoughts and emotions. I will write more later when I settle down!


Los pollitos dicen, Pio, Pio, Pio; Cuando tienen hambre; Cuando tienen frio.

La gallina busca el maiz y trigo; les da comida; y les presta abrigo.

Bajo sus dos alas acurrucaditos, hasta el otro dia, duermen los pollitos

(Spanish nursery rhyme "the chicks")


Kim said...

CONGRATS!!!! Wonderful news!! What a great Valentine's Day Present. It won't be long now that she will be with you forever!!!!